As the world has urbanized rapidly since 1950, per capita carbon footprint has declined, and so has carbon intensity in economic output, defined as the amount of energy used to produce a unit of ec
Month: December 2020
Wreckreation, Public Lands, and the Fecal Timebomb
“On the trails of the public lands of the Catskills there is more trash too, more than I have ever seen in three decades of hiking and camping in these woods. Also more feces. People ar
Has the Forest Service Been Making Wildfires Worse? (The New Republic)
“Weather and climate—drought, high winds, heat waves with triple-digit temperatures—have exacerbated the Western wildfires. But there’s also another factor that researchers and activist
Is 5G going to kill us all? (The New Republic)
From my piece on 5G and EMF radiation: “The signatories of the EMF Scientists Appeal were particularly concerned with a vaunted new wireless communications system known as 5G, which, they war
How Instagram Ruined the Great Outdoors (The New Republic)
In a word: Instagram influencers suck for the wild.
Why a cell signal in national parks is bad for the national soul (Sierra Magazine)
My piece in Sierra exposing how the National Park Service is serving telecom interests and furthering the invasion of our national parks with cell signals and wifi came out in June…and of cou